Find out HOW 2 Clean Safely using our revolutionary equipment, solutions and methods.
The Daily Cleaning Revolution is here! Time to get rid of the Mop, Bucket and Spray Bottle in favor of the Smart Mobile HOW 2 Platform.
The HOW 2 Clean Green+ Platform provides a convenient solution for refilling liquid foaming hand soap dispensers, which is far more sustainable while providing massive cost savings over conventional disposable foaming hand soap dispense refills.
The Truth about Disinfection: If the surface is not properly cleaned first, no amount of solution will disinfect it; and most restrooms are improperly cleaned daily using mops and spray bottles. The HOW 2 Method of Clean, Rinse, Sanitize kills germs more effectively and efficiently in the real world, compared to "disinfecting" a dirty surface. Our philosophy: If Sanitizing is good enough for your Dinner Plates, isn't it good enough for your Restroom Floors?
HOW 2 Platforms offer a Safer, Simpler and More Accurate Dispensing Method than any wall hung dispenser on the market, and it's Mobile! This video details HOW 2 Reduce Labor, Waste and Cost in your daily cleaning.
Wall Hung Dispensers are currently the most common way to fill inefficient and ineffective mop buckets and spray bottles. This video demonstrates how these dispensers often cause waste, safety and environmental problems, which are solved by the HOW 2 Platform.